Sunday, July 3, 2011

HoW to MaKe thE mOsT of YouR LambaaaaaaH ..

One item, many uses

The lamba serves so many purposes that it’s hard to know how they manage without them.

Use of lamba

Western product

Shielding sunSunglasses and hat, parasol, special sun shields in cars
Carrying childHarness / pushchair / pram
Picking up hot thingsOven gloves
Blanket when want a napBlanket
Cloth for emergency cleaningCloth, baby wipes, tissues
Carrying bundles of thingsBags
Mat to sit onPicnic blanket
Wiping nosesHankies
Protect clothing form dirt when doing choresApron, overall
Protecting clothing from dirt when outside?
Wind protection?
Dust protection?
Covering dignity whilst bathing in streams?



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